It is said that any of the season's fruits are beneficial to the body. But all people should eat the fruit only after eating that season. Banana is also a similar fruit that is full of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. The bananas are available every two months in the market. But in the rainy season it is more beneficial for the body. In bananas, vitamin A and vitamin B are adequate in the form of thymine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. Besides, bananas are considered to be the best source of energy. However, the banana contains vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin B6.
Banana is a good source of magnesium, so that it grows very quickly and keeps your metabolism right. So do some such benefits.
1. Energy source Banana energy is considered to be a very good source, in which about 105 clerics are found, which protects the body from any vulnerability. If you get tired after exercising, then immediately eat a banana. It increases the level of glucose in the blood and gives you strength.

2. Saves you from being in the flesh. Occasionally you work harder, which causes your feet to fall on your nights, to avoid it, eat bananas, there is a good amount of magnesium and potassium that will save you from being empty in your feet.
3. Controls blood pressure. Banana has high potassium content and sodium content is very low. Because of which it controls your blood pressure. It also does not let your body suffer from water deficiency and protects your body from heart attack and stroke.
4. Eating bananas reduces the SDD. There are many elements found in the banana which save acidosis, which means Sdt. It protects you from diseases such as ulcers by returning the inside of your stomach.